Child Care & Development Council
The Child Care & Development Council is dedicated to promoting and supporting the development of quality, affordable and accessible child care services in Oswego County. To accomplish this mission we offer FREE services for child care providers, individuals interested in opening a child care program, and families searching for child care.
The Child Care & Development Council believes that all children should have access to high quality child care in a safe and healthy environment that fosters early learning. The resources and services offered by the Child Care & Development Council shape the foundation of child care delivery in Oswego County and support the families and providers within the community.

If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call the New York State Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-342-3720. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department.
Resources and Services
Child Care Registration/Inspection
Our agency helps register family day care homes and school-age child care programs in Oswego County. Registrars offer a variety of support which include:
Assistance with NYS registration process (initial and renewal)
Investigate complaints and conduct inspections
Help maintain compliance with NYS day care regulations
Provide ongoing support and technical assistance
Child Care Resources and Referral Agency (CCR&R)
ICP is Oswego County's local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) organization. We serve as the local resource hub for families, child care providers and community members. Our motto is "Your Local Resource As They Grow," and we strive to provide the best service possible by providing the following:
Child care information and referrals to parents, businesses and child care providers
Technical assistance and health care consultancy to regulated child care providers
Enrollment/monitoring of legally-exempt care
Training courses to child care providers and interested community members
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
CACFP is a federal program that is administered through the New York State Department of Health, Department of Nutrition and available through the Child Care & Development Council as an approved sponsor organization. Providers are reimbursed for nutritious snacks and meals that they serve to children in their care. Our agency helps by:
Educating and provide training
Monitor and reimburse CACFP providers
Recruit eligible providers to join CACFP

Help us keep your records current:
If you are a parent, provider, business or community partner, help us keep your records current by notifying us of any changes by contacting our office at 315-343-2344 x115, or by using the email form on the "Contact Us" page of this site.
For those who need assistance: accessing the information on this website, due to hearing or vision impairment, we would be happy to make an appointment with you to meet with you personally. For difficulty with English, we can provide many training materials through google translator or contract with a translator through CiTi BOCES. Call Executive Director, Brandy Koproski, at 315 343 2344 ext 119.